The Dismantling of America’s Heritage is Happening Right Before Our Eyes, Yet Most People Ignore Reality—A Painful Reckoning is Coming Soon

The dismantling of America’s heritage is happening right before our eyes, and it’s not by accident. Kamala Harris’s statement, once brushed off as mere "word salad," is actually a deeply calculated move to erase the past and disconnect us from our roots. As James Lindsay pointed out at a recent Turning Point conference, this isn't random rhetoric; it mirrors Mao’s destruction of the Four Olds—Old Ideas, Old Customs, Old Culture, and Old Habits of Mind. But now, it’s happening here, in America. The past is under siege, and with it, the very fabric of what made this country great.

This isn’t just about a few old traditions. This is an all-out assault on everything America once stood for—our Declaration of Independence, our Constitution, and the bedrock principles of our founding fathers. Our history is being erased, and with it, the power of the strong, independent men who shaped this nation. The goal? A future where the individual is powerless and entirely dependent on the state.

The founding fathers risked everything—their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor—to establish a Republic where authority rested with the people. These were strong men, men who had no fear of responsibility or an educated public. They built a nation on the principles of self-governance, rooted in Judeo-Christian values, and understood that only an informed, morally sound electorate could preserve the Republic. But today, this administration, fueled by the left, seeks to erase those values. It’s an attack not just on the principles but on the very idea of strong, independent masculinity itself.

Men who once volunteered to fight in World War II, who took pride in defending their country and their families, are now a dying breed. The military, once the pinnacle of strength and patriotism, has been weakened by what Rush Limbaugh famously called "the Chickification" of our institutions. The left’s attack on masculinity has driven strong men away, leaving a hollowed-out military force that no longer stands for what it once did. How many young men today, aged 16 to 18, would feel any responsibility to defend their families and communities by enlisting in the military?

This presentation PROOVES WITHOUT DOUBT that America is in for a major fight that will put you and your family in the firing line, literally… So make sure you watch this presentation while it’s still online…

This erosion of strength began decades ago, with the Johnson Administration’s Great Society Programs. These policies were supposed to help the black community but instead ripped apart the fabric of black families and businesses, setting back generations. The family structure was decimated, and out-of-wedlock births skyrocketed from 24% in the 1960s to a staggering 70% by 2020. The state became the new father, handing out benefits to unwed mothers and allowing men to shirk their responsibilities.

The media played its part too. The "Murphy Brown Show" famously showcased a single, successful woman who didn’t need a man to raise a child. The message was clear: men were obsolete, unnecessary, even detrimental. This narrative has only intensified over time. Today, husbands and fathers are often portrayed as foolish, weak, and irrelevant in the entertainment world, reinforcing the idea that men are no longer essential.

This cultural shift has not just targeted family life but has also undermined the very foundations of our society. Gay marriage and easy access to abortion were just the first steps. The LGBTQ+ movement has pushed the destruction of traditional values even further. Boys are now told they can become girls, their bodies manipulated by Big Pharma in the name of “progress.” Parents who dare to question this new reality are dismissed as right-wing extremists who don’t know what’s best for their children.

The left has systematically targeted the last remaining bastions of masculinity. The January 6th events were used to make an example out of men who dared to stand up for their country and Constitution. These men, manipulated into action, now find themselves imprisoned or politically destroyed. The message from the government is clear: step out of line, and you’ll be crushed.

The ultimate goal is to erase the strong men of America, for they are the last obstacle standing in the way of the left’s total domination. With them out of the picture, the transformation is complete. The communists can come for what’s left of our freedoms, and future generations will live in a world where they own nothing and are expected to be happy.

But there is one last strong man standing in their way. Just as God chose Cyrus, a pagan king, to free His people and restore Israel, perhaps there is still hope for America. A strong leader, empowered by faith and determination, might yet emerge to save us from this looming catastrophe.

The time to act is now. We cannot afford to stand idly by while the left erases our history, our values, and our strong men. If we do nothing, the future will be one of submission, obedience, and the complete erasure of what once made America the greatest nation on earth.

Isaiah 45:1 offers us hope: “This is what the Lord says to Cyrus, his anointed one, whose right hand he will empower. Before him, mighty kings will be paralyzed with fear. Their fortress gates will be opened, never to shut again.” Will America’s gates be opened to tyranny, or will we rise up, guided by strength, faith, and the knowledge that we still have the power to fight back? The choice is ours.

The medication shortage is an urgent issue of national importance…You realize that if our healthcare system is already on the brink of collapse because of the current drug shortages…


  1. During a 2023 address, Kamala said her mother used to complain about young people, saying "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you."

    Kamala doesn't follower her mother's own words of wisdom. ,. She seems determined to destroy all that came before us.

    1. She isn't even an American. Immigrants don't have our cultural values. Plus she's a commie and they believe the ends justifies the means so you can lie cheat and steal to achieve your objectives. That's what the tax on unrealized capital gains is all about. The government is going to steal all your property. "You will own nothing but you will be happy".


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    1. Acknowledge our IDENTITY

    2. Apologize for TREASON

    3. Accomplish our MISSION

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